[Verse 1]
Bend till
ya break
You spend
a little more than you make
The cross
is real, your seat is safe
You are
the product of a broken one
knows just where you're coming from
[Verse 2]
You swear
it’s not that bad
But you’ve
lost everything that you have
How far
can it go?
The fridge
is empty and the bills piled up
there’s nothing left for giving up
Pick your
heart up and leave this town
There’s a
million bad reasons to just stick around
Join the
chorus of the lost and the found
together now salvation bound
[Verse 3]
praying for heaven's sake
You give a
little more than you can take
slammed shut, wide awake
You are
lost and you feel undone
loneliest of the lonesome ones
[Verse 4]
You can’t
bring ‘em back
Those that
are gone, they are just gone, that’s just that
photographs, a tired ball cap
crooked old songs sung out of time
All of the
love that just gets left behind
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Photo by Louis Moncouyoux on Unsplash
Landreth.... This surname has already been here once in the blog. It was
with brother Joey, in his solo career, and with the song Forgiveness.
Now it's the two brothers together, Joey and Dave, under the alias The Bros. Landreth.
Both the songs Forgiveness and this one were requested by my cousin, and also the blog's
proofreader, Vinícius Duarte.
News of war. News of economic crisis. News of death. We're living
dark times where the good news are rare or veiled. There is always someone from
the very top in the corporate world blaming the others and nobody takes the
responsibility on, while the working classes are taking blow after blow. Some
still have better financial conditions and are able to hold up longer, however
some others fight day in day out for something to eat.
Wages and working hours are being reduced, the bills are piling up,
people warding and there's a question hanging in the air: what's left for me
now? Some people I hang out with are going through the situation of being
unemployed! For better or for worse we are not alone. The global recession in
2020 is clearly visible. The political crisis can be seen in many countries.
But there is a solution for all of this. Even though it isn't a
solution that will bring back all the lost lives or that will restore the jobs
and bring money back to people. We live so independently and focused only in
our ego that we forget about the Cross brought salvation. The Cross brings hope
for a better future. It is something curious that many think that a Christian's
life is full of tranquility, peace and even financial prosperity. In some cases
it might be true, but generally it's just as trouble as anyone else's life.
The tranquility, peace and prosperity happens in the spirit, that
understands that, after all, God is caring and guiding. Obviously we can't
simply give our lives to luck itself and let everything be solved by its own
way, but we can have the security that, even though I can't do it on my own,
God is caring and I need is to trust.
It comes to my mind the prodigal son's tale told by Jesus and I draw
a parallel with our current state. In our wish of
independence and not wanting to trust in Him, we may have some fun and
"freedom" moments, but soon the crisis come and they put us down. The
only one who can sustain us is God and, when we return ourselves to Him,
recognising total dependence, He cares and gives us the best.
The young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything. “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. “But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began.Luke 15:16,20-24
We are not of this world. We can't get attached to it. The focus
must be on Eternity. Even though we sing out of time, be it a song of life and
hope, because we are all doomed if we attach ourselves to what is earthly, but
we will be found and saved if we look to the Cross.
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